Station Model Location Details

8.6. Station Model Location Details#

The layout of data around a station model is very important. At the beginning of this section we reviewed the typical layout for the display of meteorological variables around a surface station. In our plotting of surface observations (PlotObs) we can set everything in the same way. The following is the location where a variable will be placed (Fig. 8.3), depending on the string at each location.

example surface map

Fig. 8.3 Graphic representation of the different possible locations around a surface station model using MetPy PlotObs.#

The default location is C.

  1. What variable should be plotted with the location of C (center)?

  2. What about the W (west) location?

  3. What about for a station model that you wanted to plot: temperature, dewpoint, mslp, current weather, and visibility?

Now let’s work to plot a full suite of observation information for multiple stations.