Operational NWP Models

17.2. Operational NWP Models#

There are three primary synoptic models that are used for forecasting across the United States: the Rapid Refresh (RAP), the North American Model (NAM), and the Global Forecast System (GFS) model. All three models have a slightly varying purpose and have different forecast periods, which are summarized below.




Forecast Hours




Model Type

Grid Point

Grid Point

Finite Volume

Output Time

Every hour

Every three hours

Every six hours

Areal Coverage

Regional (U.S.)

Regional (NA)



Every hour

00, 06, 12, 18 UTC

00, 06, 12, 18 UTC

For more information on these and other models run by governments across the world check out the Operational Models Encyclopedia.

To access forecast hours from a model file you would simply input how many hours into the future you desire into a timedelta function and add it to your date variable. If model run time is set as,

model_run_time = datetime(2020, 2, 20, 12)

Then if you wanted the six-hour forecast then,

plot_time = model_run_time + timedelta(hours=6)

or the 24-hour forecast

plot_time = model_run_time + timedelta(hours=24)

or the 120-hour forecast

plot_time = model_run_time + timedelta(hours=120)