Wind Speed

19.6. Wind Speed#

A common variable to plot on a 300-hPa or 250-hPa map would be the wind speed. Due to the fact that that wind is a vector quantity and the calculation of wind speed is finding the magnitude of this vector. MetPy has this calculation available (called wind_speed) and the DataArray that comes out of the calculation can be made into a new variable in our Dataset.

Here is code that would accomplish calculating the wind speed from the u- and v-components of the wind and immediately adding new variable called wind_speed to the dataset. First the variables are pulled from the Dataset (and subset if necessary), then used in the function call to calculate wind speed.

# Calculate Wind Speed

uwnd = ds['u-component_of_wind_isobaric']

vwnd = ds['v-component_of_wind_isobaric']

ds['wind_speed'] = mpcalc.wind_speed(uwnd, vwnd)

MetPy wind_speed Documentation